Trust week 2

It’s decided, our new game is called Trust! Very happy about the name since it’s so short and to the point, but still very much describes the game. You need to trust your fellow player and choose who among the forest creatures you are to trust.

This week I’ve spent mostly on doing the front page for our design document. It looks a little like this: Front page.png

I did not make the logo (the Trust text) but I made everything else. My hope was to create a fairly magical forest, magical but scary. The actual art in the game is to be inspires a lot by the art style of this Front page and we hope it’s the right feeling of the game. fodId5.gif

This in an early animation of the tree troll. I made it scarier than the original since we wanted it to really force the players to hug when they see him. He is supposed to look away at times, giving the player the option to move again. While he is starring at you though, you might want to hug and hide..

The sprite is here fully lit. He will not be in the game, but instead have light source from his eyes. Thus his face will be lit up and the hair closest to his face. The rest will be almost hidden in shadows. This will be done later by the programmers though.

Lastly are some elves I made, one kindly but easily frightened and one mischievous and with ill intent. Can you guess which one? Who can you ”Trust”..?

New Course: Theme Park!



Troll concept
Top picture is art made by famous swedish children painter John Bauer. Below is my art made inspired by him.

Hello again everyone!

We’re done with Potato Pirates. With a new group I’m creating a new game: Trust!
Trust is a game about physical interaction and.. HUGS! We are making a game about being lost in the woods as a child. Two players must somehow find their way out of a scary fairy tale like forest. The two players will wear vests or harnesses (we haven’t really decided everything yet, we’re very much in the beginning of this game project). Each vest or harness has two buttons on them, on each players back. To make the two children go forward one player must press both buttons on the other player vest. If trolls are near, the children (and players) must hug to calm down, and thus press all buttons on both vests.

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Me hugging Joni, what a wonderful time we have ❤

This week we’ve been planning much and writing even more. But I have been doing some concept art for the trolls in the game. When I first thought of the ”fear of the dark, lost in the woods” idea, I thought of a Swedish famous children book artist, John Bauer. He made trolls in the style you can see in the picture bellow. He made the art to a lot of old fairy tales, and managed to make it amazingly mysterious. The trolls and other characters he made really seemed to sprung out of the Swedish forests and I imagined them when walking around in the woods. Below is some concept art I’ve made for the trolls, god I like drawing trolls! 😀

Troll concept

Thanks and I’ll see you next week!