A look back at the creatures of Trust!

I am refreshing my blog with some of the creatures from the game Trust that didn’t make it to the blog in time. I will just show the different creatures! The blog is a great way for me to remember the things I’ve done and I realised that there were many of them absent! 🙂


Rock or sleeping troll Side perspective Head down.png

Sleeping rock troll!

Rock or sleeping troll Side perspective Head up.png

Waking rock troll!

Water troll idle.png

Water troll!


Water troll arms.png

The arms, coming out of the water to try and grab the kids!




Tree Troll!

Tree troll arm.png

Tree troll arms! Suddenly these could come out of the forest grabing you!

Elf running.png

Concept of Älvor running! We were uncertain if they should have legs or not, so boths versions are here.


Until next time!